Architecting and designing > Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework (FEAF) > FEAF 1 – integrated Reference Model Architect (iRMA) > iRMA tutorial > Create a new encyclopedia
Create a new encyclopedia
You will begin the Integrated Reference Model Architect (iRMA) tutorial by creating a new encyclopedia, that will be a repository for all work, including all Reference Models imported, and reference model diagrams created in System Architect.
Make sure that System Architect is running.
Note A connection must be established in order to create an encyclopedia. If no connections are available, you will need to add a connection name: see Creating a connection.
Creating a new encyclopedia in System Architect
1 On the File menu, click Open Encyclopedia, or click the Open button.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
2 Click New in the Open Encyclopedia dialog.
3 Optionally, you can select Enterprise encyclopedia to subject the encyclopedia to access control as implemented through SA Catalog Manager utility. Select Allow others to access this enterprise encyclopedia makes it accessible to other users.
4 Specify the Connection. The Connection field serves as a pointer between the server and the encyclopedia (database) that you are creating. To select a connection, perform one of these actions:
Click the drop-down arrow and select your server from the list
Click the ... (ellipsis) button next to the drop-down field. The Connection Manager dialog box appears, where you can view existing connections or create new connections.
5 Select an connection, such as your local server name and click OK.
6 In the New encyclopedia name field, type:
Sample iRMA Tutorial
7 Select Open this encyclopedia at startup.
This makes this encyclopedia the default encyclopedia that automatically opens each time you start SA.
8 Click OK
The System Architect Property Configuration dialog box appears
9 Set the selections to match those shown in the diagram below.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
10 Click OK to close the Property Configuration dialog.
See also
iRMA tutorial