Architecting and designing > Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework (FEAF) > FEAF 1 – integrated Reference Model Architect (iRMA) > iRMA tutorial > Creating and defining reference models > Creating and defining a PRM measurement indicator
Creating and defining a PRM measurement indicator
As their order in the OMB Reference Model documentation emphasizes, the Performance Reference Model (PRM) is the first among equals:
“The PRM is a framework to measure the performance of major IT initiatives and their contribution to program performance. The PRM helps agencies produce enhanced performance information; improve the alignment and better articulate the contribution of inputs, such as technology, to outputs and outcomes; and identify improvement opportunities that span traditional organizational boundaries.”
As such, the measurements in the PRM are not just IT measures but can come from and apply to any area of an Agency.
Performance Reference Model and Balanced Scorecard Methodology Measurements
The PRM is composed of a hierarchical set of Measurement Areas, Measurement Categories, Generic Measurement Indicators, and Measured by Measurement Indicators (MMIs). The MMIs are where measurement values are captured. The Balanced Scorecard Methodology also uses PRM Measurement Indicators composed of Measurements. In order to support both methodologies with out redundancy, MMIs and PRM Measurement Indicators are synonymous.
Create PRM measurement indicator definition
1 In the Encyclopedia Explorer, right‑click Definitions, and then click New.
2 Select PRM Measurement Indicator, and then click OK.
3 Name the Dictionary Object Grant Application Cycle Time, and then click OK.
The Dictionary Object window appears.
4 Click OK to accept the PRM Measurement Indicator.
The OMB requires that an IT investment have at least one operationalized performance measure from each of the four PRM Measurement Areas in order to fulfill the “Line of Sight” requirement.
For this tutorial, you will create one PRM Measurement Indicator definition.
You can refresh the Explorer in System Architect to view the definition by pressing F5.
The PRM Measurement Indicator Definition comprises four data input tabs (not including Reference Documents and Access Data, which are common to all definitions).
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Introduction tab
1 Click Choices in the Parent Measurement Grouping field.
The Select and drag window appears, highlighting all the PRM Measurement Groupings that are stored in your encyclopedia.
Note If you do not see the PRM Measurement Groupings in the Select and drag window, it means that you have not imported the FEA_XML_Doc_Rev_2.3.xml: go to Importing the OMB reference models, and follow the procedures to implement the Business Reference Model.
This tutorial was written when the FEA reference models were at version 2.3. You can import the latest version of the FEA reference models that is available in the form of an XML file on the FEA reference model site.
2 Select and drag the Cycle Time PRM Measurement Grouping into the Parent Measurement Grouping field.
3 Close the Select and drag window.
For this tutorial, you keep Description and Benchmark Companies null. As explained above in the chart, these options are not mandatory to fill in.
For more information about this tab, see Introduction tab.
Ownership tab
Click the Ownership tab, and review its contents.
For more information about the properties on this tab, see Ownership tab.
Units & Frequency tab
Click the Units & Frequency tab, and review its contents.
1 Toggle the Qualitative radio button in the Type of Measure field.
2 Type the following in the Computation Rule box (You will have to expand the field box by click the square button, located on the upper right side of the Computation Rule field box):
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
For more information about the properties on this tab, see Units & Frequency tab.
Measurements tab
Click the Measurements tab, and review its contents.
Click OK to save the Grant Application Cycle Time PRM Measurement Indicator definition.
For more information about the properties on this tab, see Measurements tab.
Now you can link the Grant Application Cycle Time PRM Measurement Indicator to the Investments A definition that was created earlier.
See Linking PRM measurement indicators to investments
See also
Creating and defining reference models