Architecting and designing > Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework (FEAF) > FEAF 1 – integrated Reference Model Architect (iRMA) > iRMA tutorial > Using matrices for System Reference Model input
Using matrices for System Reference Model input
Matrices in iRMA can function simultaneously as input mechanisms, analysis tools, and output reports.
In this section of the tutorial, you will:
review the set of iRMA Reference Model System Matrices
modify the matrices and view the results in iRMA reports
Locating Matrices
To view the iRMA Matrix Browser:
1 Select View, Matrix Browser.
2 Click the IRMA icon, if not selected.
iRMA Matrix Browser
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
The iRMA tab is the primary location for most iRMA matrices. It contains the following matrices:
Business Function supports BRM Sub-function
Links Department/Agency-specific Business Functions to the OMB BRM Sub-functions.
Deployed System to Location
Shows the physical location of a Deployed System.
Investments supported by Business Functions in the Agency
Maps Investments to the Business Functions that they support.
Organization owns System
Shows the owning Organizational Unit for a System.
System employs Technical Component
Maps Department/Agency-specific Technical Components that are used to make up a System.
System implements TRM Service Specification
Maps Systems to their corresponding TRM Service Specifications.
System is capable of delivering SRM Service Components
Maps the SRM Service Components capable of being delivered by a System.
System supports BRM Sub-Function
Maps the non-primary BRM Sub-Functions (Department/Agency) that are supported by a System.
Technical Component implements TRM Service Specification
Maps Technical Components to their corresponding TRM Service Specifications.
Vendor supplies Technical Components
Shows the vendor for each technical component.
Using iRMA Matrices for Reference Model Relationships Input
Matrices are a fast and efficient way to create a number of relationships between pairs of different definitions in one location. The iRMA matrices are designed so that entering an “x” in a cell is the equivalent of opening up each of the definitions individually and selecting the opposite definition, then closing them to create the two “from to” and “to from” relationships.
iRMA relationships are also multiple entry, which consists of each row and column having multiple corresponding entries.
Using iRMA Matrices for Reference Model Relationships Analysis and Output
In addition to Reference Model data input, iRMA Matrices can be used for Reference Model Relationships Analysis and Output. Matrices are particularly effective in enabling visual gap and overlap spotting. For examples, consider a System with no SRM Service Components produced or a TRM Service Component with no Systems using it.
For overlap example consider a single SRM Service Component being provided by four different Systems.
Saving iRMA Matrices in Different Output Formats
In addition to visual analysis, the contents of matrices can be saved in several different formats including HTML, Microsoft Word, Excel, and CSV.
The HTML and Microsoft Word versions can be used in websites or pasted into documents.
The Excel and CSV versions can also be further analyzed with various software tools.
Here is an example iRMA matrix saved in Excel format:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
To save the Matrix, using a specified format:
1 On the Matrix menu, click Export.
2 Select a name, and then specify the format type.
3 Click OK.
OMB Exhibit 300 Reference Model Tables
Since OMB requires specific layout and formatting for the Exhibit 300 Reference Model tables, a set of special iRMA reports have been created that use this matrix information to create precisely formatted Microsoft Word tables. See the Generate Reference Model Reports Tutorial for more information.
See also
iRMA tutorial