Architecting and designing > Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework (FEAF) > FEAF 1 – integrated Reference Model Architect (iRMA) > iRMA tutorial > Generating reference model reports > Generating E300 Reference Model reports
Generating E300 Reference Model reports
EA data only creates value when it is in a form that helps users learn and to make more effective decisions. In addition to the System-Reference Model diagrams, and Matrix files created in previous tutorials, the set of IRMA Reports are a key format for helping users use EA data efficiently for OMB E300 reporting.
In this section of the tutorial, you will run various Exhibit 300 Reference Model Table reports using:
Business Reference Model Report (BRM)
Performance Reference Model Report (PRM)
System Reference Model Report (SRM)
TRM Reference Model Report (TRM)
IRMA OMB E300 Reference Model Table Reports
The set of IRMA Reference Model reports is accessed in System Architect by selecting Reports, iRMA Reports.
Selecting any of the [Reference Model name] Report menu choices immediately launches the MS Word Application and starts creating the report. Each report creates the appropriate Reference Model Table for all System/Application instances in the encyclopedia.
Note There must be at least one System Application with populated Reference Model data (from the lowest hierarchy level of the appropriate Reference Model (ex: BRM-Sub-Function) for the report to run. If a report does not start to run after a few seconds; verify that there is populated data.
Business Reference Model Report (BRM)
Business Reference Model Report (BRM) shows for each System/Application, the primary Sub-Function (input in the Investment definition) for that system followed by any other secondary Sub-Functions. For all Sub-Functions, their parent Line of Business is also shown (Business Area is not required to be displayed).
This report table is used in Section II.A.1.5 of the Exhibit 300.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
In Investment definition Reference Model data input output, you defined an investment definition named Investment A. You are going to run a report, and identify the components of the report.
Create an Investment Definition
OMB uses the Primary Business Reference Model (BRM) Sub-Function as the main analysis point to cross compare similar investments across agencies. Because of this focus and the implication of errors or miss-mappings, it is important that agencies do a careful and accurate mapping of the BRM to their investments.
Performance Reference Model Report (PRM)
Performance Reference Model Report (PRM) provides sets of four or more “Line of Sight” measurements from each Measurement Area by each Fiscal Year for each System/Application. The primary column is the Measurement Indicator (full name is Operational Measurement Indicator). For each fiscal year, every Measurement Indicator must provide its initial Baseline, Planned Improvements, and Actual Results values. In addition the parent PRM hierarchy for the Measurement Indicator is also shown, with the exception of its direct parent, Generic Measurement Indicator.
This report table is used in Section I.C. Performance Goals and Measures: Table 2 of the Exhibit 300.
Note The E300 Table 1 is for existing System/Application investments that were initiated before FY 2005, and is not generated by iRMA).
The measure indicator is an important aspect of the system, and without it, you will not be able to run a PRM report successfully. If a System is not linked to a Measurement Indicator (MMI), the resulting report will not generate, displaying the following message in Microsoft word.
There are no Measurements associated with the System The system Name you specified
The PRM Report (Titled: Performance Goals and Measures for DHHS application) below, was generated as a result of the steps taken in the IV. Creating and Defining Reference Models tutorial.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Service Reference Model Report (SRM)
Service Reference Model Report (SRM) shows the Components (SRM Service Component) that are provided by each System/Application. For each Component, its description and if it is a New Component (to OMB, that is, the Agency-specific box is checked in the Component Definition), a Yes is shown and its definition displayed. In addition, the complete parent SRM hierarchy for each Component is shown.
This report table is used in Section: II.A.3.A. of the Exhibit 300.
Technology Reference Model Report (TRM)
Technology Reference Model Report (TRM) is like the SRM in showing the Service Specifications that are used in a System/Application. For each Service Specification, its description and if it is a New Specification (to OMB, that is, the Agency-specific box is checked in the Specification Definition), a Yes is shown and its definition displayed. In addition, the complete parent TRM hierarchy for each Service Specifications is shown.
This report table is used in Section: II.A.3.C. of the Exhibit 300.
See also
Generating reference model reports