Architecting and designing > Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework (FEAF) > FEAF 1 – integrated Reference Model Architect (iRMA) > Reference section > Performance Reference Model report (PRM)
Performance Reference Model report (PRM)
Performance Reference Model report (PRM) provides sets of four or more “Line of Sight” measurements from each Measurement Area by each Fiscal Year for each System/Application. The primary column is the Measurement Indicator (full name is Operational Measurement Indicator). For each fiscal Year, every Measurement Indicator has to provide its initial Baseline, Planned Improvements, and Actual Results values. In addition the parent PRM hierarchy for the Measurement Indicator is also shown, with the exception of its direct parent, Generic Measurement Indicator.
This report table is used in Section I.C. Performance Goals and Measures: Table 2 of the Exhibit 300. (Note: the E300 Table 1 is for existing System/Application investments that were initiated prior to FY 2005, and is not generated by iRMA).
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
See also
Reference section