Architecting and designing > Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework (FEAF) > FEAF 2 > Using the reference models > Application Reference Model (ARM) > Visualizing the ARM
Visualizing the ARM
You can optionally visualize the Application Reference Model (ARM). Visualizing all or part of it can help you in these ways:
You can gain a full understanding of the ARM, as you categorize your assets against it.
The Consolidated Reference Models (CRM) are often utilized as reference models by non-US-government organizations and commercial companies. These organizations and companies make use of the reference models but tailor them – adding or removing elements from it to match their organization. Visualizing the reference models can help with this effort.
To visualize the ARM
In general, to visualize the ARM, complete these steps:
1 Create a FEAF2 ARM type diagram – provide a name to the diagram.
2 From the Explorer tree, drag-and-drop all FEAF2 ARM Domain onto the diagram.
3 From the Explorer tree, drag-and-drop all FEAF2 ARM Area onto the diagram.
4 From the Explorer tree, drag-and-drop all FEAF2 ARM Category onto the diagram.
To build a diagram
Follow these specific steps to build a diagram that lays out nicely with minimal effort:
1 Create a FEAF2 ARM type diagram – provide a name to the diagram.
2 From the Explorer tree, drag-and-drop all FEAF2 ARM Domain onto the diagram.
3 Arrange the symbols so they are horizontal to each other.
4 Select the FEAF2 ARM Domains on the diagram, right-click and choose Arrange Children Vertically.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
5 From the Explorer tree, drag-and-drop all FEAF2 ARM Area onto the diagram.
6 Zoom out to see all symbols.
7 Select the top symbol of each hierarchy tree and move it to the right to open up the symbols on the diagram.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
8 Lasso all the FEAF2 ARM Area symbols – then right-click and select Arrange Children As a Block.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
9 From the Explorer tree, drag-and-drop all FEAF2 ARM Category onto the diagram.
10 Select View > Zoom > Used Area to see all symbols.
11 Again select only the top symbol in each tree and move it to the right to move the whole tree.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Next steps:
Aligning assets to the ARM
Collaborative Planning Method (CPM) reporting
See also
Aligning assets to the ARM
Application Reference Model (ARM)