Architecting and designing > Generic enterprise architecture frameworks > Technology Model view > Hardware processor
Hardware processor
A hardware processor is a mixture of hardware and software devices that provide ability to process information.
As a default, the following symbols are provided on the Network Concept diagram:
General Processor
Asic Processor
Cluster Controller
Content Engine
Content Service Module
Content Transformation Engine
Front End Processor
Management Engine
Service Control
Switch Processor
System Controller
Network Management Appliance
Advanced network symbols
If the "Advanced Network Symbols" switch is turned on in the Advanced dialog, the following additional types of icons will be available:
IP-TV Broadcast Server
IP-TV Content Manager
Netsonar Security Scanner
Cisco Network Symbols
If the "Cisco Network Symbols" switch is turned on in the Advanced dialog (select Tools, Customize Method Support, Encyclopedia Configuration, and then select the Advanced button), the following additional types of icons become available:
Cisco 4310 End Office System
Cisco Call Manager
Cisco VN2900
Cisco VN5900
Cisco VN5902
Cluster Controller 3274
ICS 7750
Intelligence Engine 2100 Series
SC2200 Signaling Controller
See also
Technology Model view