Architecting and designing > Generic enterprise architecture frameworks > Technology Model view > Communication Node
Communication Node
Switch symbols are a mixture of hardware and software devices that provide ability to switch information to different paths on the network.
As a default, the following switch symbols are provided on the Network Concept diagram:
Access Point
a hardware device or software that acts as a communication hub for users of wireless devices to connect to a wired LAN. Access Points provide wireless security and extend the range of service that a wireless user has access to.
Analog Telephone Adaptor (ATA)
A phone handset-to-Ethernet adapter that enables analog telephone devices to be used with Voice Over IP (VOIP) equipment and services. An analog phone is plugged into one side of the adapter, which then communicates with an Internet router through an Ethernet connection.
A private branch exchange (PBX) is a private telephone network used within an organization. Users generally dial only three or four numbers to connect to each other in the organization, and share a certain number of outside lines.
Breakout Box
A breakout box is a box in which a compound electrical connector is separated into its component connectors.
Cable Modem
A modem designed to operate over coaxial cable TV lines. A cable modem can provide extremely fast access to the internet since coaxial cable provides much greater bandwidth than telephone lines.
Ether Client
A client machine connected to an Ethernet line.
IP Standard
A device that supports the TCP/IP protocol suite, which consists of the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the Internet Protocol (IP) standard. These communications protocols implement the protocol stack on which the Internet and most commercial networks run.
A modem transforms digital and analog signals, enabling data to be transmitted over voice-grade telephone lines. A modem converts digital signals to a form suitable for transmission over analog communication lines, and then converted back to digital form by a modem at the destination.
SSL Terminator
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) device that links the internet with a server, and implements the SSL protocol for transmitting private documents, such as credit card numbers, over the Internet. URLs that require an SSL connection start with "https" instead of "http". Use of an SSL terminator and the SSL protocol creates a secure connection over the internet, over which any amount of data can be sent securely (versus S-HTTP, which is designed to transmit individual messages securely).
A network interconnection device.
A wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) device is used in fiber optic telecommunications. It multiplexes multiple optical carrier signals on a single optical fiber by using different wavelengths of laser light to carry different signals, allowing for a multiplication in capacity.
Wireless Transport
A device that transmits and receives wireless communications.
Advanced Network Symbols
If the "Advanced Network Symbols" switch is turned on in the Advanced dialog, the following additional types of icons will be available:
Bulletin Board System (BBS)
A bulletin board system (BBS) was a computer system running software that allowed users to dial in and exchange messages with other users and perform functions such as uploading and downloading software and data. BBSs were basically a precursor to forums and bulletin boards of the internet, and the terminology is sometimes used to refer to these more current technologies.
A digital service unit/channel service unit (DSU/CSU) is a digital-interface device used to connect a router to a digital circuit like a T1. The DSU/CSU also provides signal timing for communication between these devices.
Dualmode Access Point
A hardware device or software that acts as a communication hub for users of wireless devices to connect to a wired LAN, and providing dual modes of operation:- both the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) radio network and wireless broadband connections (Wi-Fi).
Cisco Network Symbols
If the "Cisco Network Symbols" switch is turned on in the Advanced dialog (select Tools, Customize Method Support, Encyclopedia Configuration, and then select the Advanced button), the following additional types of icons become available:
A single set-top system for audio and video supporting the H.323 protocols, providing audio-visual communication sessions on any packet network. H.323 is commonly used in Voice-over IP and IP-based video conferencing, and various Internet real-time applications such as Microsoft NetMeeting.
ONS 15540 Optical Transponder
An optical communications device that receives and transmits optical signals. transmitter and responder After receiving the signal a transponder will at the same time broadcast the signal at a different frequency.
Modem Cisco
Standard modem, with image provided by Cisco. You can use this if you want to draw a modem on your diagram and visually show a difference between another modem type modeled on the diagram.
See also
Technology Model view