Architecting and designing > Generic enterprise architecture frameworks > Data Model view
Data Model view
The Data Model View covers both the logical and physical relationships among data. A logical data model shows normalized business rules and the relationships between entities. The physical model shows how this logical model would be represented in a physical database.
You can set up a single model that contains a number of related sub diagrams to further sub divide the data into subject areas. A number of physical representations of this logical data can be maintained within the same model.
The Data Model View describes business area data at three levels: Conceptual, Logical, and Physical.
The Logical level is described using an Entity Relation diagram that presents a fully attributed and normalized data model.
The entities created in an Entity Relation diagram can be referenced in BPMN Process definitions in the Referenced Data property of the Related Definitions chapter. Entities can also be linked to Locations.
Crows Feet Notation vs IDEF1X
By default, Logical Data Models in System Architect use the Crow’s Feet notation. You can change this notation to IDEF1X, or other formats, by through the Notation setting dialog (accessed by selecting Format, Diagram Format, Notation with a logical data model open).
See also
Generic enterprise architecture frameworks