Architecting and designing > Generic enterprise architecture frameworks > Business Profile definition > Competitor’s Profiles
Competitor’s Profiles
You can specify one or more competitors in the Suppliers and Competitors tab of an Business Profile definition.
Who are the competitors?
Specify the competitors to your competitor.
Market position
Specify the market position of the competitor being modeled.
Competitive strategy
Specify your competitive strategy against this competitor.
Key characteristics
Specify the key characteristics of this competitor.
Critical issues
Specify the critical issues for your business to compete against this competitor.
Cooperation level and type
Specify how your company views and works with this competitor, for example, if you are adversarial or friendly.
Industry standards
Specify if you are competing with this customer to get your technology asserted as an industry standard, or if products that you build that compete with this competitor’s products, are based on implementation of an industry standard.
See also
Business Profile definition