Architecting and designing > Generic enterprise architecture frameworks > Business Profile definition > Business Forces Summaries
Business Forces Summaries
The Business Forces Summary definition highlights the financial, regulatory, and other forces that impact the company. Within this definition, you identify any pressures or constraints imposed on the company that restrict freedom of operation, or suggest a focus for business change, which might result in a redesign of business processes or organizational structure.
The aim of this definition is to enter bullet-point observations about business forces that effect your business.
Profitability and prospects
Enter a description summarizing current profitability and prospects.
Cost structure
Enter a description about cost structure, for example describe whether fixed costs are high or low compared to transaction costs.
Owners constraints
Owners pressures
Enter pressures or constraints imposed on the business by owners, investors, creditors, financial organizations, or the investment market.
Financial expectations
Enter a summary of financial expectations per unit of time measure, such as next quarter and year.
Company constraints/Company pressures
Enter a brief description of pressures or constraints imposed on the company from regulatory services, laws, regulations, or agreements.
Impacting constraints/Impacting pressures
Enter a brief description of pressures or constraints impacting the company from other areas, such as the economy, declining industry, product maturity, globalization, public concern, and the environment.
See also
Business Profile definition