Architecting and designing > Generic enterprise architecture frameworks > Process Charts > Generating functional hierarchy diagrams
Generating functional hierarchy diagrams
You can create and draw a functional hierarchy diagram from scratch, using symbols from the Draw menu. Alternately, you can automatically generate a functional hierarchy diagram based on information stored in the current project encyclopedia. When the diagram is generated, you can edit the diagram by adding additional symbols and relationships.
1 Create a new or open an existing functional hierarchy diagram.
2 On the diagram workspace, add Function symbols.
You can right-click the diagram workspace, and click Choices to get a list of Functions in the current encyclopedia. Alternately, from the Browser, you can drag Functions to the diagram.
3 Select the Function symbols on the diagram that you are interested in; then click Dictionary > Update Selected Functions EBPs.
Elementary Business Processes are automatically added to the selected Functions based on information specified in the Elementary Business Process to Function matrix.
To view and edit the matrix, click View > Matrix Browser, click the Business Enterprise tab, and then double-click Elem Bus Process to Function.
See also
Process Charts