Architecting and designing > IDEF > IDEF0 > Drawing with automatic geometry mode > Moving symbols on an IDEF0 diagram with automatic geometry mode enabled
Moving symbols on an IDEF0 diagram with automatic geometry mode enabled
You cannot move individual UOB symbols on an IDEF0 diagram when automatic geometry mode is enabled. You can move all symbols using this procedure.
Although you cannot move individual UOB symbols when automatic geometry mode is enabled, you can move the UOB symbol in the uppermost, left-hand corner of the diagram. If you move this symbol, the rest of the UOB symbols on the diagram will move accordingly, keeping their placement to the first symbol and each other in tact.
Note Moving the upper-left-most Operational Activity symbol by itself might cause unwanted ICOM arrow repositioning. As a best practice, move all symbols on the diagram as a group.
1 Click Edit > Select All.
2 Move the symbols as a group on the diagram.
See also
Drawing with automatic geometry mode