Architecting and designing > IDEF > IDEF0 > Working with IDEF0 models > Creating an IDEF0 model
Creating an IDEF0 model
1 Make sure that the IDEF0 diagram and definition set has been turned on for the encyclopedia. Select Tools, Customize Method Support, Encyclopedia Configuration to open the System Architect Property Configuration dialog.
2 Make sure that the selection IDEF0 and IDEF3 is toggled on. If not, toggle it on, click OK to close the dialog, and reopen the encyclopedia for the change to take effect.
Creating the model
When you create an IDEF0 diagram and specify it as being a Context diagram, you must also specify the IDEF0 model that the diagram represents. When you create an IDEF0 diagram and do not specify it as being a Context diagram (in other words you might be creating a Constraint diagram), you do not have to specify an IDEF0 model that it belongs to.
You can create the model definition as you create an IDEF0 Context diagram, or you can create the model definition independently, and then specify it when you create the IDEF0 Context diagram.
Creating the model definition independently
1 Perform one of these actions:
Go to the browser, and select either the All Methods tab or the Business Process tab. Right-click Definitions, and select New to bring up the Definitions list.
Select Dictionary, New Definition to bring up the Definitions list.
2 Double-click IDEF0 Model in the list of definitions. Specify a model name and click OK to close the dialog.
Creating a model definition as you create an IDEF0 context diagram
1 Select File, New Diagram, and double-click IDEF0 from the Diagrams list to bring up the IDEF0 Diagram dialog.
2 For Diagram Type toggle on Context diagram. The Model Name property is enabled. You must specify a Model Name to be able to create the context diagram. You can type in the name of an existing IDEF0 model that you have already created, or type in a new IDEF0 model name, thus creating that model definition.
Adding a model to existing IDEF0 constraint diagrams
As described above, you can create IDEF0 diagrams with no model assigned (if they were not specified as being context diagrams, this is allowable). To specify the IDEF0 model that a diagram belongs to, you can manually open up the Diagram properties for the diagram, and specify a model (with the diagram open, select Edit, Diagram, and drag-and-drop in the model name from the Choices list).
If you have a number of diagrams connected to each other through parent-child linkages, you can use Automatic IDEF0 model propagation to assign an IDEF0 model to each diagram.
See also
Working with IDEF0 models