Architecting and designing > IDEF > IDEF0 > Working with ICOM arrows > Viewing ICOM paths with mouse-over highlighting
Viewing ICOM paths with mouse-over highlighting
You can highlight the complete flow of ICOM arrows in and out of UOB nodes on an IDEF0 diagram using the Mouse-Over Highlighting feature. System Architect highlights the line or symbol node that you move your mouse over, presenting it in a different color than lines on the rest of the diagram.
Mouse-over highlighting is particularly useful when examining a multiplexed flow on a context diagram, which can be very difficult to digest on a cluttered diagram. Another advantage is that it eliminates the need to highlight a line by clicking it. If you are forced to click a line to highlight it, the chances that you might accidentally reposition it are greater.
1 Click View > Mouse-over Highlighting.
2 Select one of these options:
Highlights any symbol on a diagram that is moused-over (default color is blue).
Symbol + Connected
Highlights any symbol on a diagram that is moused-over (default color is blue) and also highlights connected lines and/or symbols (default color is green).
Symbol + Connected + Next different color
Highlights any symbol on a diagram that is moused-over (default color is blue) and also highlights connected lines and/or symbols (default color is green) and also highlights next connected symbol or line (default color is red).
You can turn off mouse-over highlighting by clicking View > Mouse-over Highlighting, and then clearing the selected highlighting option.
See also
Working with ICOM arrows