Architecting and designing > IDEF > IDEF0 > Project data of a Function/Activity
Project data of a Function/Activity
You can define project data in the Project Planning tab of the Function/Activity definition dialog box.
The duration time of the project. Units of measure are selected in Time Measure.
Time Measure
The unit with which you will measure the duration of the project.
Fixed Time
Whether or not the project time is fixed.
Budgeted Cost
Enter the cost budgeted for the project.
Fixed Cost
Enter the fixed cost of the project, if there is one.
Actual Cost
Enter the actual cost of the project.
Whether or not this function/activity is a milestone.
Summary Task
Whether or not this function/activity is a summary task.
Whether or not this function/activity is a priority in the project.
WBS Code
Enter a Work Breakdown Structure Code if there is one.
See also