Architecting and designing > MODAF > Creating All Views products for MODAF > AV-2 Integrated Dictionary: MODAF
AV-2 Integrated Dictionary: MODAF
Many of the architectural products have a graphical representation. However, there is textual information in the form of definitions and metadata (data about an item) associated with these graphical representations. The Integrated Dictionary provides a central source for all these definitions and metadata, including those that might be provided for convenience in another product as well.
At a minimum, the Integrated Dictionary is a glossary with definitions of terms used in the given architecture description. The Integrated Dictionary makes the set of architecture products stand alone and allows it to be read and understood without reference to other documents.
Each labeled graphical item, such as an icon or connecting line, in the graphical representation of an architectural product should have a corresponding entry in the Integrated Dictionary. The type of metadata included in the Integrated Dictionary for each type of item will depend on the type of architectural product from which the item is taken. For example, the metadata about a labeled input/output connector from an activity model (that is, IDEF0 ICOM) will include textual description of the type of input/output information designated by the label.
In System Architect, the Encyclopedia serves as the Integrated Dictionary.
See also
Creating All Views products for MODAF