Architecting and designing > MODAF > Creating Strategic View products > Creating StV-1 Enterprise Vision definitions
Creating StV-1 Enterprise Vision definitions
As part of the StV-1 Strategic View of MODAF, you establish an Enterprise Vision. The purpose of an Enterprise Vision definition is to provide a strategic context for the capabilities described in the architecture. The Enterprise Vision also provides a context for you to specify the Enterprise Goals and Enduring Tasks that are needed to realize it.
The Enterprise Vision is created for each phase of the Enterprise Architecture, as shown below in the diagram of the MODAF metamodel. The Enterprise Vision definition provides a high-level scope for the architecture that is more general than the scenario-based scope defined in an OV-1 High Level Operational Concept diagram.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
The information contained in an Enterprise Vision usually originates from operational concepts and research communities. The information provides guidance on future capabilities and allows equipment capability specialists to identify future needs. The exception to this is when a MODAF Architecture is used to analyze an existing system. In this case, the StV-1 role changes slightly in that it will define what the original capability vision for the system was, and what capabilities are to be realized by the integration or upgrade.
1 Click Dictionary > New Definition.
2 In the Select new type for All Methods dialog box, select StV-1 Enterprise Vision.
3 To complete the Enterprise Vision, specify the following definition properties:
Introduction: Type an overall description of the vision.
Vision Statement: Type a textual explanation of the future goals that you want to reach.
Strategic Intent: Type a textual explanation of this strategy theory, where and how it can be used.
Strategic Direction: Type a textual explanation of the overall process and steps that need to be taken to make the Enterprise Vision a reality.
Capabilities: Specify the zero or more capabilities that contribute to the vision.
Enterprise Goals: Specify the zero or more Enterprise Goals that specify the Enterprise Vision.
See also
Creating Strategic View products