Architecting and designing > MODAF > Creating Operational View products > Creating OV-5 activity models > Modeling OV-5 diagrams with BPMN
Modeling OV-5 diagrams with BPMN
You can use the Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) to model the OV-5 view, as an alternate to using IDEF0.
You must first select BPMN notation as the default notation for OV-5 diagrams in the project encyclopedia.
When using the BPMN, you can link Operational Activities to Business Processes, model Information Exchanges as Message Flow lines between processes in different pools, and attach Information Exchanges as Data Objects to Sequence Flow lines.
1 Create an OV-5 diagram.
2 Model the operational workflow:
Add processes to the OV-5 diagram.
In the MODAF tab of the BPMN process, specify an operational activity for each process.
3 Model workflow between processes using the Sequence Flow line.
To model work flow between processes that are in different Pools, use the Message Flow line.
4 To specify information exchanged over a Sequence Flow line, use the Information Exchange symbol (in BPMN called a Data Object), and connect it to the line.
Select the Information Exchange symbol from the toolbar (a symbol that looks like a document, with a folded upper right-hand corner), and draw it on the diagram.
Press Ctrl, and then simultaneously select the Information Exchange symbol and the Sequence Flow line you want to attach it to.
Select Draw, Associate Information Exchange with Sequence Flow. (Or right-click, and then click Associate Information Exchange with Sequence Flow.)
5 Draw Message Flow lines between processes in different Pools to define Information Exchanges; the Message Flow lines convert to Information Exchanges.
You can only draw Message Flows between processes that exist in different Pools. You cannot draw a Message Flow line between Processes that are in the same Pool.
The following image shows an example of an OV-5 diagram modeled with BPMN.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
See also
Creating OV-5 activity models