Architecting and designing > MODAF > Creating Operational View products > Creating OV-5 activity models > Checking IDEF diagrams for rule violations
Checking IDEF diagrams for rule violations
You can use the Rules Check command to search a diagram for rules violations, ICOM arrows that have not been defined, for example, or activity boxes that lack process description definitions.
To run the Rules Check
1 Open the diagram you want checked.
2 Pull down the Reports menu and select IDEF0 Rules Check.
After running the check, System Architect will display an on-screen report, detailing any errors found. For each error, the report gives the rule number, a brief explanation of the violation, and the name and type of the symbol in error. The report can be printed if desired.
Rules Check also flags the errors directly on the diagram. For each error, a circle is placed at the lower right corner of the offending symbol, with a rule number, such as R1, in the middle of the circle. If more than one error has been found for a symbol, an asterisk is added to the rule number. The report lists these additional errors along with their explanations.
Clearing errors
Online error indicators are cleared from the diagram by the Clear Errors command, located under the Reports Menu.
Note You can also leave the error indicators in place. They can be saved with the diagram if you want to come back and look at them later. They will also appear on the output if you print the diagram.
See also
Creating OV-5 activity models