Architecting and designing > MODAF > Creating Operational View products > Creating activity sequence and timing diagrams > Defining object states
Defining object states
Defining Object States in an OV-6b Op State Transition diagram allows you to track objects and entries.
To access the Object State definition, double-click the Object State. The Model-Object State dialog appears. To define the Object State:
1 In the pages of the Entry Condition Sets tab, specify Entries from State, Entries from Facts, and Entries from Constraints.
2 In the pages of the Introduction tab, specify the Object Name, Object State Set, and a Description.
3 In the pages of the State Description Conditions tab, specify Facts and Constraints.
4 In the pages of the Exit Condition Sets tab, specify Exits to State, Exits to Facts, and Exits to Constraints.
5 In the Symbol tab, include any Graphic Comments.
See also
Creating activity sequence and timing diagrams