Architecting and designing > MODAF > Creating Systems View products > Creating SV-2 Systems Communications Description products for MODAF > Creating SV-02c Resource Connectivity Clusters diagrams for MODAF
Creating SV-02c Resource Connectivity Clusters diagrams for MODAF
You can create Resource Connectivity Clusters diagrams to describe individual connections between system ports, and grouping into logical connections between nodes.
In the diagram, you can draw these symbols:
Resource (SV)
Resource Port
Resource Port Link: Line symbol connectable between Resource Ports
Resource Port to Resource: Line can be drawn from a Resource Port to a Resource, and populates the associated Resource property
1 Right-click the Diagrams group of the Explorer; then click New.
2 In the Select New Type for All dialog box, select SV-02c Resource Connectivity Clusters.
3 Type a name for the diagram; then click OK.
The diagram is created and shown in the Explorer.
The method of modeling SV-02c by using UML class diagrams is deprecated in the current version of the MODAF modeling feature. If you previously created SV-02c diagrams using UML class diagrams, existing data can remain in that form. To create new or work with existing UML diagrams to model the SV-02c, you must first enable UML in the encyclopedia.
If Unified Modeling Language (UML) is enabled for the encyclopedia, you can optionally create a stereotyped class diagram to draw the SV-02a System Port Specification diagram.
4 Right-click the Diagrams group of the Explorer, click New, and select Class.
5 Name the diagram.
6 To specify that the diagram is of the <<SV-02c System Connectivity Clusters>> stereotype, do this:
Open the Properties dialog box for the class diagram. Click Edit > Diagram Properties.
Navigate to Page 2 of the Diagram Properties dialog box, click the list in the Stereotype property, and select SV-02c System Connectivity Clusters.
Save the diagram and refresh the Explorer browser.
Note The stereotype <<SV-02c System Connectivity Clusters>> is placed before the diagram name in the Explorer.
See also
Creating SV-2 Systems Communications Description products for MODAF