Architecting and designing > MODAF > Creating Systems View products > Creating SV-2 Systems Communications Description products for MODAF > Drawing and connecting classes and objects on SV-2 UML diagrams for MODAF
Drawing and connecting classes and objects on SV-2 UML diagrams for MODAF
Drawing and connecting classes and objects on SV-2 UML diagrams for MODAF
You can add classes, objects, and ports to your Systems Communication Description diagrams. This topic describes how to model symbols on UML diagrams.
Prerequisite The method of modeling SV-02 by using UML class diagrams is deprecated in the current version of the MODAF modeling feature. If you previously created SV-02 diagrams using UML class diagrams, existing data can remain in that form. To create new or work with existing UML diagrams to model the SV-02, you must first enable UML in the encyclopedia.
1 To draw classes and instances of classes (otherwise called objects) on the SV-2b diagram, select the Class and Object symbols on the toolbar; then drop them to the diagram.
2 To center the class name or object name, perform the following steps:
Select the appropriate symbol; then click Format > Symbol Format > Text Position.
In the dialog box, set the symbol name and text positioning.
3 Draw association lines between classes and link lines between objects.
4 To specify ports on an instance of a class, and on the class itself, perform the following steps:
Select the Port symbol from the toolbar and draw it on a Class or Object symbol. The Port symbol will only connect to class or object symbols drawn on the diagram – you cannot draw one in diagram whitespace.
If you draw a Port on an Object symbol, the Port will actually be added to the Object's Class definition.
Note If you draw an Object of a Class that already has Ports specified, then those ports will be automatically shown on the diagram. If you delete a Port from an Object, you will delete the Port from its Class and all instances of that Class.
See also
Creating SV-2 Systems Communications Description products for MODAF