Architecting and designing > MODAF > Creating Systems View products > SV-5 Operational Activity to Function Traceability Matrix reports
SV-5 Operational Activity to Function Traceability Matrix reports
Depending on the purpose of the architecture, the Operational Activity to Function Traceability Matrix can have automated and manual resource functions identified and mapped to the operational activities:
Resource functions associated with material items (for example, processing hardware, software, or data) and mapped to an activity, identify automated activities.
On the other hand, activities mapped to systems functions associated with the human component of the system(s) constitute the manually oriented activities.
The relationship between operational activities and systems functions can be expected to be “many-to-many;” that is, one activity can be supported by multiple system functions, and one system function normally supports multiple activities.
Access the SV-5 System Function to Op. Activities
1 From the View menu, select Matrix Browser.
2 On the MODAF icon, double-click SV-5 System Function to Op. Activities.
3 Click Finish to select all the items to be shown in the matrix.
The SV-5 System Function to Op. Activity Matrix report appears.
4 Assign the appropriate relationships between the System Functions and Operational Activity.
See also
Creating Systems View products