Architecting and designing > NATO Architecture Framework (NAF) > NAF v4 > Physical Resource Viewpoints > Pr – Configuration Management
Pr – Configuration Management
The Pr – Configuration Management viewpoint of NAF v4 is a Gannt-like diagram that enables you to map the Milestones of the lifecycle of a System against a timeline.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
You can model a System as a timeline with its Milestone dates represented as circular pies. Each pie piece represents the status of a Thread of the System at that Milestone. Threads are:
Leadership and Education.
The color of the pie slice represents the status of each Thread:
Critical Issues: Red.
No Outstanding Issues: Green.
Manageable Issues: Yellow.
Not Specified: White.
Not Known: Grey.
Not Required: Black.
You can run the report named Cr – Capabilities and their CapabilityConfigurations Over Time to show Capabilities and the CapabilityConfigurations (see CapabilityConfiguration) that enable them over time. Each CapabilityConfiguration can have a set of ResourcePerformers that make them up.
Parent topic
Physical Resource Viewpoints