Running rules checks for creation of milestones (NAF 3)
You can run rules checks to verify that the Milestones on the diagram are in correct chronological order based on their Milestone Date property. For example, Stage_2 always comes after Stage_1, and Stage_3 always comes after Stage_2.
To set options for checking rules for the NPV-2 diagram
1 Open the diagram Property dialog box. With the NPV-2 diagram open, right-click the diagram workspace; then click Diagram Properties.
2 Select or clear the following options:
Base rules check on topmost project
Rules checks are run to make sure that the Milestones on the diagram are in correct chronological order based on their Milestone Date property. The Rules Check can be based on the model Acquisition Project or on the topmost Acquisition Project on a diagram. To specify that the rules check be based on the topmost Acquisition Project on a diagram, select this option. Rules checks for new diagrams are based on the model Acquisition Project unless you toggle on this option.
Run rules check automatically
Runs the rules check when you open a diagram or draw symbols on it.