Architecting and designing
Unlocking definitions and diagrams
Locked objects such as definitions or diagrams can appear for one of two reasons:
Another user has the object open
Wait until the other user closes the object, and then open it.
The object n is in a locked state
This happens when the object was not closed properly, therefore, the object is still locked. If you were the last user who had the object open, then your own Audit ID appears in the message: even if you are the person trying to open it.
The name of the user whose Audit ID displays in the message; only that user can resolve this problem. They must be logged into System Architect with their Audit ID.
If you know that the object is not open by anyone, yourself included, proceed as described below:
1 In the System Architect Explorer, highlight the object name you are trying to open.
2 Right‑click the object name, and select Access Control from the floating menu.
3 The Access Control dialog appears with the option to Unlock selected in drop-down list. Click OK.
4 An Access Control Results window appears confirming the results. It displays the object type, name, and an "Object unlocked" message. Close the window.
5 Open the object.