Architecting and designing
DOORS and the System Architect Explorer and menu
The SA-DOORS link provides functionality from the System Architect Explorer and Tools menu. These features enable you to interact with IBM Rational DOORS and view the status of DOORS-enabled objects, in relation to IBM Rational DOORS. Explorer options are available by right-clicking the Explorer. IBM Rational DOORS menu options are on the Tools menu.
System Architect Explorer functions for SA-DOORS link
DOORS filters
Show or hide DOORS-enabled objects in the Explorer. You access this choice by right‑clicking in an empty area of the System Architect Explorer. The dialog provides you with the ability to show icons in the Explorer to denote whether an icon is staged to be sent to DOORS (an open door icon), has been sent to DOORS (a shut door icon), or has not been sent and might not be sent to DOORS.
Enables you to select System Architect definitions that you have sent to DOORS and then open those objects in DOORS.
Enables you to select System Architect symbols that you have sent to DOORS and then open those objects in DOORS.
Updating model artifacts in IBM Rational DOORS
Enables you to resend/update System Architect artifacts that you have sent to DOORS.
Update from DOORS
Updates the link information in System Architect between model artifacts and DOORS objects with the latest linkages created in DOORS.
Manage DOORS
Accessed by right‑clicking a DOORS Transfer Unit definition in the DOORS tab in System Architect, this command opens the Manage Transfer Units dialog that enables you to delete or create new DOORS Transfer Units.
Send to DOORS
Accessed by right‑clicking a DOORS Transfer Unit definition in the DOORS tab in System Architect, this command enables you to send the Transfer Unit and all its contained artifacts, to DOORS.
System Architect menu functions accessible through Tools > DOORS
Sending model artifacts from System Architect to DOORS
sends objects you have selected to send in the Access Control dialog. If a object cannot be sent, it is kept on the list to be sent later, and it is displayed on a report, stating why it could not be sent.
Updating model artifacts in IBM Rational DOORS
Updates objects that you have sent to IBM Rational DOORS. You do not need to re-select objects you have sent to update them in IBM Rational DOORS. System Architect automatically detects objects you have sent, and if it finds a change in any one of them, it sends the update to IBM Rational DOORS.
Same as the Explorer option above.
Remove from IBM Rational DOORS
Accessed by right‑clicking a model artifact in System Architect’s Explorer that has been sent to IBM Rational DOORS, and selecting IBM Rational DOORS, Remove from IBM Rational DOORS, this command ‘soft deletes’ the model artifact in DOORS.
Stage for IBM Rational DOORS
Accessed by right‑clicking a model artifact in System Architect’s Explorer and selecting IBM Rational DOORS, Stage for IBM Rational DOORS, this command opens the Select Transfer Units dialog, which enables you to select a IBM Rational DOORS Transfer Unit that will contain the model artifact. This IBM Rational DOORS Transfer Unit has a one-to-one correspondence with a IBM Rational DOORS surrogate module.
Do Not Send to IBM Rational DOORS
Accessed by right‑clicking a model artifact in System Architect’s Explorer that has been staged for IBM Rational DOORS, and selecting IBM Rational DOORS, Do Not Send to DOORS, this command removes a model artifact that has been ‘staged for IBM Rational DOORS’ from the IBM Rational DOORS Transfer Unit it has been assigned to.
Viewing DOORS objects linked to model artifacts while in System Architect
Accessed by right‑clicking a model artifact in System Architect’s Explorer or diagram workspace that is denoted as having DOORS objects linked to it, this command opens the Show DOORS Links dialog, which enables you to view DOORS Objects that artifacts have been linked to.