Architecting and designing
Test mode
Use the Test Mode option to see how your final screen will appear to the user. To use Test Mode, make sure the screen you want to test is in focus. From the Draw menu, select Test Mode. You will see the screen in test mode. To return to editing mode, select Test Mode again.
If the screen in focus is a Graphic Screen, controls such as Check Boxes, Push Buttons, List Boxes, and so on will actually work. You can see what they will look like when the user pushes them, selects from a list, and so on. You can put sample data in list boxes and combo boxes by double-clicking the control. You will be presented with a multi-line edit box in which you can enter text; one line of text is available for each entry in the control. Data entered into Radio Buttons, Check Boxes, and Edit boxes is also retained as sample data.
If the screen in focus is a Menu, the commands under each entry on the menu bar are available by clicking the menu bar. Similarly, the menu items are available when you click a sub-menu.