Architecting and designing
Tools menu: Diagram glossary
The submenu commands enable you to copy and paste pieces of diagrams. This little group of commands would enable you to prepare a small set of diagram symbols that you wanted to paste onto every single diagram of a given type, for example. Perhaps your organization has a standard indicating that all data models must contain a series of rectangles with certain text inside them, to be placed in the upper right corner of the model. You could create the rectangles with the text, copy them into a glossary, saved as MODLSTD.DGM, for example, and use the glossary open command to access them whenever necessary.
Allows you to access a glossary file of previously saved diagram fragments and paste them into the current diagram.
Save As
Allows you to create a glossary file that is stored in System Architect’s Reports subdirectory. This file can be used on any encyclopedia.