Architecting and designing
Format menu: Format File
System Architect lets you determine what your symbols are going to look like on the diagrams. The format modifications you use can be as minor as changing the font to Courier, or as major as setting the default color, outline boundary, font style and size, and size of every single symbol on every single diagram.
A format file is a file that combines all the settings you have assigned to diagrams and symbols during a working session of System Architect. If you are familiar with working with a word processor, the concept is exactly the same.
Many of these changes are stylistic or graphical in nature. They have to do with the shape of arrows or the colors or fonts used in your diagrams. Use the Format File command to either save the current stylistic changes you have made to a diagram into a custom format file, or to assign a format file that has already been saved, to the current diagram.
By saving the stylistic changes you make during a session, you can use them again later or make further modifications to them. This can save you time if you have developed a series of graphical elements to your diagrams that works fairly well but that you might not want to use as the definitive version. By saving it as a format file, you can call it up again with the Format File command.
The Format File submenu has six selections. Each one provides you with a specific way to manipulate your format settings:
Open Command, Format Menu, Format File Submenu
Save As Command, Format Menu, Format File Submenu
Reset Command, Format Menu, Format File Submenu:
The Reset Command causes all style settings to revert to the defaults delivered with System Architect.
Set Encyclopedia Command, Format File, Format File Submenu
Impose Command, Format Menu, Format File Submenu
See also
Format menu: Symbol format commands
Text Display