Architecting and designing
Exporting and importing USRPROPS.TXT (encyclopedia)
The User Properties (USRPROPS.TXT) file is used to modify and extend the metamodel of an encyclopedia. It is in the Files table of the encyclopedia database. To edit it, do this:
1 Select Tools > Customize User Properties > Export USRPROPS.TXT (Encyclopedia).
2 In the Export User Properties dialog, select a directory to export the file to and click OK. The file will be placed in the specified directory, and automatically opened in Notepad (you can change this setting through Tools > Session Options).
3 Edit the file as appropriate.
4 Select Tools > Customize User Properties > Import USRPROPS.TXT (Encyclopedia) to import the file back into the Files table of the encyclopedia.
5 Reopen the encyclopedia (File > Encyclopedia Open) to make your changes take effect.
See also
Edit USRPROPS.TXT (master)