Architecting and designing
Propagate FKs command
Select the Propagate FKs (Foreign Keys) command from the Dictionary menu to propagate foreign keys on Entity Relation and Physical Data Model diagrams.
Foreign keys can be propagated by System Architect for Components of Entity Relation Diagram diagrams and The Physical Data Model diagrams. Foreign keys are generally key data; however, a foreign key can be non-key data if it is propagated from non-identifying key data. The Propagate FKs command will place the initials "FK" next to foreign keys, in addition to noting the foreign key relationship in the definition.
Identifying relationship lines assume a parent-child relationship in which the parent entity or table is of cardinality "one" and the child entity or table is of cardinality "one or many," or "many." Foreign keys are propagated as Primary Keys in identifying relationships.
Non-identifying relationships assume a parent-child relationship in which the parent entity or table is not mandatory. Foreign keys are propagated as non-key data in non-identifying relationships.