Architecting and designing > Strategic views > Strategy Maps and Balanced Scorecards > Strategic View
Strategic View
The Strategic View of the enterprise is the highest-level view. System Architect offers a number of different diagram and definition types to model this view, which corresponds with row 1 of the Zachman Framework. The Strategic View is established during the Contextual stage of business modeling, when you establish the context of the models that you build for the business.
You can create the following diagrams and definitions to support the Strategic View:
Business Concept diagrams: The Business Concept diagram, targeted at a business audience, provides a high level representation of business processes. It is less formal and rigorous than other diagrams.
See Business Concept diagram.
Enterprise Direction diagrams and the Business Motivation Model (BMM): This diagram is used to visually model the strategic vision, objectives, and goals of the organization, and the related mission, strategy, and tactics to achieve them. You also model the business policies and rules that affect the vision and mission. This diagram is based on the work of the Business Rules Group.
See BMM.
Business Profile definitions: The Business Profile is a definition which summarizes the important characteristics of the business and helps to identify areas for improvement.
See Business Profile definition.
Creating Stakeholder Relationship diagrams: The purpose of the Stakeholder Relationships diagram is to show relationships between an organizational unit (although you can have more than one organizational unit on the diagram) and key stakeholder categories.
See Stakeholder Relationship Diagrams.
Creating Strategy Map diagrams with balanced scorecards: The Strategy Map diagram enables you to visually describe how your organization’s key Business Objectives align within the four Balanced Scorecard perspectives to support your corporate strategies.
See Creating Strategy Map diagrams with Balanced Scorecards.
Balanced Scorecards: The focus of the Balanced Scorecard is to provide organizations with metrics against which to measure their success. It is a tool that management can use to turn business strategy into action by communicating strategic intent to the entire organization and motivating employees through measurement of key performance indicators.
See Balanced Scorecards.
See also
Strategy Maps and Balanced Scorecards