Architecting and designing > Structured analysis and design
CRUD Key Verbs
SA2001.INI provides a wealth of customizing options for System Architect users. Four of those options are important for those writing minispecs (mini-specifications for process-like symbols: see Minispecs: What are they and how to use them).
CRUDKeyVerbs=?,?,?,? where ? replaces one of the four default minispec key verbs. Each of the four verbs or verb phrases is limited to 30 characters. If a verb phrase contains embedded spaces or quote marks, you must delimit the phrase with single or double quotes.
If you do not specify values for this entry, System Architect uses the default value: Create,Read,Update,Delete. Note that the order is important. If you replace the default value, the first word in the set must be that with the meaning of Create, and so on.
Key verbs used within a minispec description are not case-sensitive. Key verbs supplied from this setting take effect only if Minispec Uses Key Verbs=Y: see MinispecUsesKeyVerbs.
The remaining two SA2001.INI entries relevant to Minispecs are:
MinispecCheckEnabled and