Architecting and designing > Structured analysis and design
Doc Block
The Doc Block command generates a documentation block symbol in the diagram. This symbol is always automatically updated to show the name of the diagram and the date and time the diagram was last worked on. You can also insert a text description.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
To insert a text description in the documentation block symbol
1 Open the Doc Block symbol dialog (either double-click the Doc Block, right-click it and choose Edit Doc Block, or select it and choose Edit Doc Block from the Edit menu.
2 Type the description in the Graphic Comment text box; click Save and Close.
If the comment is not displayed, select the symbol, and from the View Menu, select Display Mode. Make sure Auto Resize is toggled on.
Doc Blocks appear on a Child Diagram with shaded bars on either side of the block.
You can change the text "System Architect" within the Doc Block by editing the sa2001.ini file. For example, you could display your name instead of System Architect.
Replacing System Architect Text within a Doc Block symbol
1 Locate the sa2001.ini file, this file is can be found in your Local Settings directory, such as C:\Documents and Settings\<user profile name>\Local Settings\Application Data\Telelogic\System Architect.
2 Open the file with a text editor, such as Notepad.
3 In the [System Architect] section of the sa2001.ini file add the following text: DocBlockProductText=text to replace System Architect.
4 Save the file and restart System Architect for your changes to take effect.
Every Doc Block that you create, or that was previously created, will have the new text displayed within it. To revert back to the original setting, simply remove the text that you added. Remember to restart System Architect after making any changes to the sa2001.ini file.