Architecting and designing > Structured analysis and design
Instructions for creating leveled diagrams
To create the Level 1 diagram in System Architect, click the process symbol with the right mouse button, and select "Child Create." By default, the diagram type is the same as that of the diagram on which you are currently working, and the name of the new diagram is the name of the parent symbol.
You can include in the child diagram
all the lines (usually data flows) attached to the parent symbol,
all the symbols attached to those lines,
a bitmap representation of the parent symbol.
Depending on the complexity of lines and symbols attached to the parent, you might or might not want to include the symbols attached to the lines.
The child diagram can also contain from 5 to 9 process symbols, and the data flows and data stores required to supported those processes. Data stores integral to the child diagram should be drawn completely within the parent symbol bitmap; those integral to the system as a whole should be drawn outside the parent symbol.
Input data flows attached to the parent symbol start in space outside the parent symbol bitmap, but must end inside the bitmap attached to a process or data store. Similarly, output data flows must start in a data store or process within the parent bitmap and end in space outside.
In order to balance, all the data going into the parent symbol must go into the child diagram; all the data coming out of the parent symbol must come out of the child diagram.