Architecting and designing > Structured analysis and design
Picture Symbol command
The Picture Symbol command allows you to place graphic symbols created outside of System Architect into diagrams. Diagram images can also be added. When placed, a picture symbol can be moved, resized, have line symbols connected to it, and have a dictionary Definition.
The Picture command is available on the Draw menu and on the diagram context menu’s Draw Node menu. The action can also be started by dragging an acceptable image file onto a diagram window.
The picture-drawing mode is indicated with a + sign on the cursor and when you click and drag a dotted box will appear to indicate the area of the diagram that will be covered. Releasing the primary mouse button will place the symbol. A new drawing action of the same mechanism with the same source image will be started so you can place another copy. To exit picture drawing mode, press the Escape key or select another option from the Draw menu or toolbar.
Several methods are available:
Accepts metafile and bitmap images. Keep in mind that not all metafile content converts to svg when using web browser interfaces, so metafile images might not present well.
File Copy
Non-SVG files are converted to a metafile or bitmap as appropriate, otherwise the image is stored in the encyclopedia with a unique P-prefixed filename. It offers the option to import the file into the encyclopedia with a prompt to replace an existing file. See File In Encyclopedia for that behavior.
File In Encyclopedia and File Reference
Will treat the file according to the detected content. This mechanism will handle Windows metafiles, bitmaps, png, jpeg and svg. For best presentation of svg content both within System Architect and in web browsers, you should use one of these last options.
File Reference
References the file wherever it is in your file system, so you need to ensure that all potential users of the encyclopedia would find the file in the same location.
References a diagram in the encyclopedia. Selecting this option opens a browser where you can pick diagram type and name. This includes a read-only copy of the selected diagram. This actually references the diagram’s saved image so it gets updated as that diagram is changed. If the Diagram Preview window is open then this will update as you select a diagram. The images are transparent meaning where there is no content (that is, whitespace), whatever is beneath will show through. To get one to be drawn before another you use user-controlled layering sequence.
A symbol property controls whether the picture will keep size consistent with the source. When this is ticked, the picture cannot be sized manually. This property is set for new Diagram pictures. The property is available for pictures of diagrams created in earlier versions. In SAXT, the diagram must be saved before the property will appear.
The symbol must be named for properties to be edited but the name can be hidden through Display Mode.
See also
Using the Picture Browser to add pictures to diagrams