Architecting and designing > Unified Architecture Framework (UAF) > Overview > Important tips on drawing Sequence-style diagrams
Important tips on drawing Sequence-style diagrams
UML Sequence-style diagrams are used in several viewpoints of UAF:
Op-Is Operational Interaction Scenarios
Rs-Is Resource Interaction Scenarios: Resource Roles
Rs-Is Resource Interaction Scenarios: Resource Roles
Sv-Is Service Interaction Scenarios: Service Exchanges
Important tips on drawing these style diagrams are described below.
1. Moving ‘lifeline’-type symbol header to top of diagram
Sometimes you might have difficulty moving the Object-‘lifeline’-type symbol (which can represent a Role or Resource) upwards on the diagram. This is due to a message-type line being connected to the bottom of the lifeline, giving it not enough leeway to move upwards.
To move the lifeline header upward, you must either move the ‘message-type’ line higher on the lifeline, or drag the bottom of the lifeline handlebar lower to enable the lifeline header to be moved higher on the diagram (see picture below).
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
2. Moving a ‘message-type’ horizontal line up or down
To move the ‘message-type’ line (that can represent an OperationalExchange, ResourceExchange, or Needline, depending on the diagram) up or down – be sure to target and move one of its red handlebars up or down – the whole line will follow (see picture below).
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Note Do not target the middle of the line and try to move it; the results will not be as slick.
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