Architecting and designing > Unified Architecture Framework (UAF) > Overview > Important tip on display of properties on symbols
Important tip on display of properties on symbols
By default, most symbols in UAF have all of their Displayable Properties turned on. You can turn on/off Displayable properties for Node symbols and Line symbols by performing these steps:
1 Select one or more symbols on a diagram, and open the Display Mode dialog (right-click and select Display Mode, or select View > Display Mode).
2 In the Display Mode dialog, select the tab that represents what you want to do:
Selected Symbols tab – will only specify what gets displayed for the selected symbol(s).
Note This will override selections in the other tabs. So if you have made a selection to turn off/on a displayable property in one of the other tabs, and it does not seem to be working – check this tab; selections here override all others.
Symbol Type on This Diagram tab – will specify what gets displayed for all symbols of the type selected,
Symbol Type on Any Diagram tab – specifies what gets displayed for a type of symbol on all diagrams across the encyclopedia
3 Click the Enabled button at the top of the selected tab, and make selections of what should/should not be displayed.
4 Click the Save All button (bottom right).
5 Click the Close button (bottom right).
In the picture below, the Part of System property has been made displayable on only the selected system symbol. Note also that the relationship line Distress has “SA-Controlled” property made displayable.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Note You can create new properties by customizing the metamodel of an encyclopedia through USRPROPS.TXT, and make those properties Displayable. Those properties will then automatically show up in the Display Mode dialog.
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