Architecting and designing > Unified Architecture Framework (UAF) > Operational viewpoints > Op-Pr Operational Processes: Activity Flow
Op-Pr Operational Processes: Activity Flow
The UAF Operational Processes: Activity Flow diagram enables you to model OperationalActivities, the OperationalPerformers that perform them, and the flow of Resources between the OperationalActivities (on an OperationalActivityEdge relationship line.
The diagram should not necessarily represent the sequence of OperationalActivities – the Process Flow diagram is used to show orchestration of processes that support the OperationalActivity.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
OperationalPerformer: UAF introduces OperationalPerformer as a subtype of the more generic Performer of DoDAF 2. This diagram only allows drawing of OperationalPerformers. The more generic Performer (UAF) definition can be drawn on the Operational Processes with Resources (Fit for Purpose) diagram.
OperationalActivity: The OperationalActivity transforms the Resources it receives into another form of Resource.
OperationalActivityEdge relationship: Resources flowing to and from an OperationalActivity are specified on the OperationalActivityEdge relationship line.
PerformsInContext (Role): The PerformsInContext (Role) relationship is used to specify that an OperationalActivity is performed by an OperationalPerformer. The PerformsInContext relationship was called ActivityPerformedbyPerformer in DoDAF 2 – where the DoDAF 2 alias table provide an alternate name: Role.
Within the PerformsInContext (Role) relationship, you specify under what conditions, rules, and locations the Performer performs the Activity. In layman’s terms – a Performer can do many Roles. The Activity that the Performer performs dictates the Role that it is performing. For example, a Helicopter performing the Activity “Search for Victim” is performing the Role “Search Helicopter”; a Helicopter performing the Activity “Transport Troops” is performing the Role “Transport Helicopter”.
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Operational viewpoints