Architecting and designing > Unified Architecture Framework (UAF) > Operational viewpoints > Op-Pr Operational Processes: BPMN
Op-Pr Operational Processes: BPMN
The UAF Operational Processes: BPMN viewpoint is a diagram type that enables you to model Operational Activities and the OperationalPerformers that perform them in a Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) – wherein the OperationalPerformers are visualized as swimlanes, and the OperationalActivities are drawn within them.
When you draw an OperationalActivity in a swimlane (representing an OperationalPerformer), System Architect pops up a dialog for you to name the PerformsInContext (Role) relationship.
Needlines are also automatically drawn between OperationalPerformers if they exist. You can turn off display of Needlines by selecting View > Hide Selected Message Flow Line(s).
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Parent topic
Operational viewpoints