Architecting and designing > Unified Architecture Framework (UAF) > Security viewpoints > Sc-Pr Security Processes
Sc-Pr Security Processes
The UAF Security Processes viewpoint is a diagram type upon which you model SecurityControls (which are a subtype of OperationalActivity), and the ResourceArtifacts or ResourceRoles they protect or are performed by.
The intention of this diagram is not to draw flow of resources between SecurityActivities – for that use the Security Processes Flow diagram (see.Sc-Pr Security Process Flow). The Security Processes diagram is intended to show the SecurityActivities and the ResourceArtifacts and Roles they protect or are performed by.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
You can also specify what ResourceArtifacts perform those SecurityProcesses. This is done by modeling the PerformsInContext (Role) relationship as a symbol node on the diagram, and connecting it to the ResourceArtifact and the SecurityActivity it connects through the RolePerformsInContext-Performer and RolePerformsInContext-Activity lines. These lines, when drawn, auto-fill in the Activity and Performer lists of the PerformsInContext (Role) tuple definition.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Parent topic
Security viewpoints