Architecting and designing > Unified Architecture Framework (UAF) > Service viewpoints > Sv-Cn Service Connectivity
Sv-Cn Service Connectivity
The UAF Service Connectivity viewpoint is a diagram upon which you can model Roles that are performed by ServiceSpecfications or ServiceInterfaces and the ResourceExchanges between Roles. A Service Role is the relationship created when a ServiceSpecification (or ServiceInterface) performs a ServiceFunction – PerformsInContext (Role) – in DoDAF 2.02 this was called ActivityPerformedbyPerformer – alias Role.
Tip on creating Service Connectivity viewpoint
To find out what Roles are performed by Services, you can quickly build an Explorer Object Report, and populate the diagram with just those Roles. To do so, perform these steps:
1 Select View > Heat Map Manager.
2 In the Heat Map Manager, select the Click to Start the Object/Relationship Explorer Report wizard button.
3 Toggle on the Explorer Object Report button, name the report, and then click Edit.
4 Create the SQL report as shown in the picture below – type = definitions, where “PerformsInContext (Role) (UAF)”, USE DEFINITIONS (from 2nd-level drop-down list), where “ServiceInterface (UAF)” and “ServiceSpecification (UAF)”.
5 Click Save to save the report. It will automatically appear in the Heat Map Manager.
6 Click the report to run it on the diagram – it will show all Roles (PerformsInContext) involving Services.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
You can manually create ResourceExchanges between Roles, or use System Architect’s automation to create ResourceExchanges by selecting Tools > UAF Utilities > Generate Resource Exchanges from Service Data Flows.
Automatically-generated ResourceExchanges have their SA-controlled property set to T (True) and their Valid property set to T (True). If you manually draw an ResourceExchange, its SA-Controlled and Valid properties default to F (False). You can change them in the ResourceExchange definition.
SA-Controlled: A ResourceExchange with its SA-controlled property set to F will not be overridden if someone runs the auto-generation utility.
Valid: A ResourceExchange whose Valid property is set to T (True) means that the ResourceExchange has a from and to Role (PerformsInContext) that each relates a ServiceSpecification (or ServiceInterface) and ServiceFunction, and there is a Service Data Flow between the two involved ServiceFunctions.
Parent topic
Service viewpoints