Architecting and designing > UML 2.0 Lite > UML models > Introductory tour of UML diagrams > Developing systems with UML
Developing systems with UML
UML prescribes a standard notation for object-oriented modeling
The UML prescribes a standard notation for modeling an object-oriented system, not a process or method for developing the system. The UML is a giant step forward for object-oriented modeling because it sets forth a standard that enables designers to understand each other’s work. Before UML, an object-oriented design might have been modeled with one of a half dozen popular methodologies, forcing reviewers to learn the notational semantics of the methodology before studying the design.
Process for object-oriented development
The UML does not prescribe a standard process or method for developing a system. It does prescribe a set of diagrams to use, which forces the user into modeling certain aspects of a system. The order in which these diagrams are used is up to the user.
Object-oriented modeling can be divided into two schools: data-centric design and problem-centric design. Data-centric designers use the Class diagram as the focal point to developing the system. Problem-centric designers focus on modeling how the system solves the problem at hand, using diagrams such as the Use Case diagram and the Sequence/Collaboration diagram.
What follows is a problem-centered approach for modeling a system with UML.
Organizing the system by packages
Business analysis with Use Cases
Migrating from Use Cases to sequence/collaboration diagrams
Building UML Class diagram
Developing iterative design in UML
Modeling class dynamic behavior with State diagram
Modeling component behavior
Modeling distribution and implementation
See also
Introductory tour of UML diagrams