Architecting and designing > UML 2.0 Lite > UML models > UML activity diagram
UML activity diagram
The UML activity diagram is a general purpose workflow diagram used to model sequential aspects of a system. The activity diagram can be used to model Use Case scenarios in the system, or to model the dynamic behavior of a class as it moves from state to state, or the control flow of a class method.
The activity diagram is one of five diagrams in UML that are used to model the dynamic aspects of the system. Whereas sequence and collaboration diagrams are used to model the flow of control from object to object, Activity diagrams are used to model the flow of control from activity to activity. An activity is an on-going execution within a state machine that results in some action, which in turn might change the state of the system or return a value.
The activity diagram is very similar to a flow chart, except that it can also model concurrent, parallel flow.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
See also
Drawing UML activity diagrams
UML activity model
Action transition
Action state
Object in state
Initial action state
Final action state
Complex transition
Synchronization bar
UML models