Architecting and designing > UML 2.0 Lite > UML models > UML class diagrams > Bound elements
Bound elements
A template cannot be used directly in an ordinary relationship such as a generalization or association. The template's parameters must be bound to actual values. A class that refines the template is considered a bound element.
The bound element contains a value list, which contains values for the formal parameters of the class template. The number and types of the values in the value list must match the number and types of the template parameters for the template of the given name.
A bound element is modeled by using a class symbol, and typing in the value list within the Enumeration (Value List) property of the class's definition dialog (in the General tab). A realizes relationship should be drawn from this class to the template class it instantiates.
For the class template Farray, with formal parameters T,K:Integer, you can bind it by drawing a class symbol and typing in: Point, 3 in the Enumeration (Value List) property of the class's definition dialog.
See also
UML class diagrams