Architecting and designing > SysML > Diagram views > Sequence diagram > Lifelines on Sequence diagram > Lifeline destruction
Lifeline destruction
To specify destruction of a Lifeline in SysML or UML 2.5, complete the following steps:
1 Create a SysML DestructionOccurenceSpecification definition (for SysML) or UML 2_5 DestructionOccurenceSpecification (for UML 2.5), respectively. Name it appropriately – for example, Destroy.
2 Add the DestructionOccurenceSpecification to the Lifeline’s A_covered_events property on its Lifeline tab. An ‘X’ will automatically be placed at the bottom of the lifeline showing that it gets destroyed after the last message sent to it.
A graphic depicting destruction of a Lifeline
See also
Lifeline creation
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Lifelines on Sequence diagram