Architecting and designing > SysML > Diagram views > Sequence diagram > Messages on Sequence diagram > Message Sort
Message Sort
You can specify the Message Type (or Sort) on page 4 of the Message tab in a Message’s definition. You can specify the following sorts:
Asynchronous Signal: An asynchronous signal has an open arrow head.
Asynchronous Call: An asynchronous call has an open arrow head.
Create Message: An object creation Message has a dashed line with an open arrow head.
Delete Message: An object deletion Message must end in a DestructionOccurrenceSpecification.
Reply: A reply Message has a dashed line with an open arrow head.
synchCall: A synchronous Message has a filled arrow head.
A graphic depicting how to specify the Message Sort
How to model an asynchronous (diagonal) message
To model a vertical message (as shown in the image below):
1 Draw the message between the Lifelines – it will draw orthogonally between the lifelines.
2 Select the line, and choose Format > Symbol Format > Line, and then change the line style to Straight – Any Orientation. You will then be able to move its handles to different places on the Lifeline, creating a diagonal line.
A graphic depicting how to model an asynchronous (diagonal) message
See also
Message Kind
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Messages on Sequence diagram