Architecting and designing > SysML > Diagram views > Sequence diagram > GeneralOrdering on Sequence diagram
GeneralOrdering on Sequence diagram
A GeneralOrdering is shown by a dotted line connecting the two OccurrenceSpecifications. The direction of the relation from the before to the after is given by an arrowhead placed somewhere in the middle of the dotted line (that is, not at the endpoint).
A graphic depicting GeneralOrdering on Sequence diagram
See also
Lifelines on Sequence diagram
Messages on Sequence diagram
Generic Line on Sequence diagram
Combined fragment on Sequence diagram
ConsiderIgnoreFragment on Sequence diagram
Constraints on Sequence diagram
Coregions on Sequence diagram
ExecutionSpecification on Sequence diagram
Interaction on Sequence diagram
InteractionOperand on Sequence diagram
InteractionUse on Sequence diagram
Observation on Sequence diagram
State Invariant on Sequence diagram
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Sequence diagram